Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Week two - three days in one post!

Oops! This week got a little away from me and now, here we are at Wednesday and I haven't posted one outfit this week. Bad me!

So here we go:

After a week of black and white (but with important splashes of red!), I started off the week in the mood to add a little colour.

And while I have a reputation for only wearing dark, neutral clothes, I actually don't have a problem with colour - so long as it is paired with a lot of black.

I would also normally only ever do one colour at a time. But on Monday, I was feeling sassy! After already choosing a bright, fuchsia shell top and adding a plain black pencil skirt and belt, I bypassed all my usual silver and black jewellery and chose a mess of green glass beads that I bought years ago when I was in Dubai. It would normally only ever get added to a black or grey outfit but not anymore!

Of course, the other splash of colour was the soles of my lovely, lovely shoes. While I do love fashion and especially love shoes, I don't normally spend silly amounts on buying designer labels. But I promised myself I would buy a pair of Christian Louboutin shoes if I stayed in my job long enough to get to the next level. I got my promotion last year and bought these while I was in the US a few months after.

Extravagant, yes. But hard earned and super lovely (and comfy - it is true!) so totally worth it.

Not only did I have to see clients on Tuesday, it was also my birthday! Yay!

And because I was feeling a little "all about me" from the second I woke up, I was not about to dress to blend in.  I also needed to pick something that I could wear out after work and that would also look professional for my client meeting if I threw a black jacket over it.

The first thing I chose was the red skirt. It is pretty new, super bright and bound to get attention. The last time that I wore it, though I think I just added black opaques and a black t-shirt because I felt that the skirt was bold enough on its own. But after Monday's successful matching of fuchsia and green, I decided a striped top would be more fun and give the look a bit of a French twist. Which I love!

(Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo at work in all the birthday excitement so the above photo is a bit rough and taken at the end of the day - but you get the general idea!)

Which brings us to today. And seeing as though I had already been mixing it up this week, I figured I should keep it going.

I think I must have bought this dress at the end of last Summer because I feel like I bought it ages ago but have only worn it once maybe twice before. When I found it lurking at the back of my wardrobe this morning, I decided it deserved to have a day in the sun.

Being a pretty, pale pink, it is not my usual kind of thing but I really love it. The material is gorgeous and so is the cut. It is a little bit short but seems ok for work if I add my old faithful opaque tights.

Given that it is so girly, I didn't want to fuss it up any more with jewellery and wore it plain. I wanted to channel a kind of Mia Wasikowska look - something a little fresher than I would normally do. I did put some darker make up on though, including a deep purple lipstick, so I didn't feel like I was fading away completely.

And that is it for this week! I will be spending the rest of the week all puffed up and bruised after my dental surgery so I can guarantee I will NOT be posting anymore photos of me for the next little while.

Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Oh darling happy birthday for yesterday!!! Love love LOVE the red skirt! And you looked just like a dancer today in your fab dress.
Me likey!
Mary xxx

Emma M said...

You know, now that I think about it, I think I bought the pink dress not long after watching Black Swan while in a ballet-induced stupor...

Charmaine said...

Oooh, pink. Purdy. Potentially the best pink ever.