While I will often whinge about how the summers never get hot enough in Sydney (blame being brought up in Queensland for that), I really do love the winters here.
I love dressing up in lots of warm, snuggly layers and heading outside when it is really cold but the sky is cloudless and the most brilliant blue.
And my favourite thing to wrap up in is a massive, knitted jumper.
When I lived in Queensland, I don't think I owned any chunky jumpers because you would always end up overheating, taking it off and lugging it around with you all day - you are much better off doing lots of thin layers so you can adjust throughout the day and chuck whatever is removed in your bag.
But in Sydney, it is just cold enough so that you can wear a nice, thick jumper aaaall day long. And I love it!
It is also easier to look really cute in winter clothes. This year, I have already noticed how much nicer all the girls are starting to look in their skinny jeans, big coats and ear muffs (yes, ear muffs!!!!). Much better than the too-small denim cutoffs, orange skin and flip-flops that the Sydney girls love to rock around in throughout the warmer months.
You tell me, what looks nicer - this:
Source: www.fashionisingpictures.net |
Source: www.ifyouseekstyle.com |
Source: www.imgfave.com |
Source: www.imgfave.com |
Source: www.sacramentostreet.com |
Source: www.stardustandsequins.wordpress.com |
Source: www.vogueoneone.com |
Source: www.dailymail.co.uk |
Source: www.denimblog.com |
Source: www.denimology.com |
Source: www.imgfave.com |
Source: www.ranger.com |
Source: www.zimbio.com |
Ok. So maybe I was a little biased in my selections and that isn't an entirely fair comparison - but I stand by my argument.
Winter is the cuter season.
Agreed Girls are much cuter in baggie jumpers, love winter styles :)
Orange is only appealing on an oompa loompa :D
Agreed. Everyone looks better in winter clothes.
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