Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Le professional - day three

Today I had a legitimate reason to not dress like a slob for work - I had a lunch to go to for the "Because I am a Girl" campaign where I would be meeting lots of interesting women and, you know, wanted to look smart.

I went with the basics - black pants and jacket with a white collared shirt. BUT I threw on these ace neon orange shoes. So - can neon be corporate?

I think so! My boss did do this mock "Oh my gosh - I am going blind!" thing when he saw them this morning but I think they spice up an otherwise dull outfit.

The jacket is also very cool - I got it from All Saints when I was overseas last year. Even though it is a plain black jacket, it has this great drapey back.

Aaaaaand, because I wasn't going to the gym today, I decided to wear my glasses.  And everyone knows that professional people where glasses, right?

Well - my barista told me I looked smart, so I am going with 'yes'. (Especially when teamed with bright pink lipstick!)

And that is day three down. Woot!

1 comment:

Sophie said...

This one is my favourite so far! :)